Caitlin P Mandeville, Wouter Koch, Erlend B Nilsen, Anders G Finstad (2021)
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Giorgio Varanini, Maria Proestou, Nicolai Goritz, Peter H. Feindt (2024)
Explaining low salience of environmental resilience challenges in bioeconomy strategies: A cross-regional comparative analysis.
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Kirsten Schwarz, Erica L. Wohldmann, Yujuan Chen, Richard V. Pouyat, Andres Gonzalez, Selena Mao, Susan D. Day (2022)
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Franco L. Souza, María S. Fenoglio, Fabio Angeoletto (2023)
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Gregory P. Dietl, Stephen R. Durham, Cheryl Clark, Rebecca Prado (2023)
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Carissa L. Gervasi, Mandy Karnauskas, Adyan Rios, Rolando O. Santos, W. Ryan James, Ryan J. Rezek, Jennifer S. Rehage (2023)
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Matthew Jurjonas, Christopher A. May, Bradley Cardinale, Stephanie Kyriakakis, Douglas R. Pearsall, Patrick J. Doran (2023)
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